Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sharing Lesson Plans through Wikis

This article, from July 2007, explains how the superintendent of schools in Charlottesville, Virginia is helping teachers use a wiki to create and share their lesson plans. The thinking is that they will be able to find quality lessons that they can tweak to fit their needs. They can also post information about how the lesson went or how to improve it for the next time. It also talks about a nonprofit group from Washington who launched a Web site this year called, a play on the words “curriculum” and Wiki. The site allows anyone who registers free access to curricula and instructional guides geared toward students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

I think this could be a useful tool, however, some teachers may be reluctant to share their personal plans, unless it is required. I do think that if each teacher put 1-2 lessons on a wiki like this each school year, the district would have a wealth of resources to help them plan lessons or improve on old ones.

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